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The Shopping Cart - Continued...

3. Create your product list

The product list contains order information about each item you wish to make available through the Shopping Cart program. The Shopping Cart Generator creates a sample product list file named product_list.txt which is used in conjunction with the demo. You may modify this existing product list file (found within the /shop directory) or create your own, but make sure you keep the name product_list.txt. You can use a plain text editor (Notepad, WordPad, Teachtext, etc.) to create or modify this file (be sure to save as plain text).

The product list contains one line of information for each product you sell. Each line contains 4 specific sections of information that the Shopping Cart program needs to create the order. A pipe symbol " | " (hold shift and hit the key below the Backspace/Delete key) is used to separate each of these 4 sections of information. Therefore, make sure you do not use this symbol in any of your descriptions; use it only to separate the 4 categories.

Item ID Product Description | | | Product Number | Price | | | |

1|AX-65000|Conner CS2000DATi 2.0GB SCSI-2 Int|1312.00| 2|AX-65001|Conner 2-4GB Turbo DAT,SCSI,5.25 Int|913.00| 3|AX-65002|Conner TSM4000R-SBE 4GB Int. SCSI|543.00|

Item ID
This is a unique ID number used to reference each item in your list. It is usually numbered in ascending order beginning with the number 1, as in the example. You will use this ID number to reference your products in your web pages.

Product Number
Your internal item or product number associated with the item. This product number will be listed on the order form for each product the customer orders and is used for your reference.

Product Description
This is the description of the product that you want printed on the order form. This is not the description that you put on your web pages to describe your products. This description only appears on the order form, between the product number and the price, for each product the customer orders.

The price of a line item to two decimal places (e.g. 13.00 or 7.98). You must include the cents; if the product costs an even dollar amount include .00 to the end of the price for the cents. This price only appears on the order form and is used to calculate the total of the order. If you change your prices, make sure you update your prices in your web pages as well as in this product list file.

Be sure to download and upload the product list file in ASCII transfer mode only.
If you choose to rename the product list file you MUST also do so within the config file.


4. Modify Your Web Pages to Include the Shopping Cart Features

One of the nice features of the Shopping Cart program is that you can develop the structure and look of your web pages any way that you want. You are only limited by your imagination. You can list all your products on one page, or you can create a dozen pages for each product. It's all up to you. There are just a few additional steps needed to add the Shopping Cart functionality to your web site.

All of your pages must reside within the /shop/ directory.

4a. Create an Entry Page.

A shopping cart program can only work if it can keep track of a particular customer as that customer travels through a site. The Shopping Cart program uses a computer generated Shopper ID (SID), to keep track of each customer that visits your web site and what products that customer has added to his or her shopping cart. You will need to create an Entry Page that will give the Shopping Cart script a chance to generate a unique Shopper ID for each customer before the customers reach any pages from which they might add or view products in their shopping cart. Customers must go to this Entry Page before going to any pages that implement the shopping cart functionality (i.e. any of your product pages).

Your Entry Page can look however you want it to look, but it must contain a special link that will transport the customer into your site while at the same time telling the Shopping Cart script to generate a unique Shopper ID (SID) for the customer. This link will look similar to the following:

<a href="/cgi-local/"> <font color="#0000FF">Browse through our Product Catalog!</a>

This link tells the Shopping Cart program ( to transport the customer to "list.html", but first generate a new unique Shopper ID for the customer and hide it within the hyperlinks of the "list.html" page. You can refer the customer to any page that you want; you do not need to use "<font color="#FF0000">list.html".

Many people create Entry Pages that tell visitors to download the latest version of Netscape or Explorer, or that give visitors the choice of a high graphic version or text only version of the site, or that just present visitors with an introductory splash screen that introduces the site. You could even create a blank Entry Page that merely redirects users to the above URL using a META tag redirect.

4b. Modify your hyperlinks to include the Shopper ID (SID).

You must add a Shopper ID (SID) tag to every internal hyperlink in every page of your web site that a customer may traverse. When a customer visits one of your pages, the Shopping Cart script will replace this Shopper ID (SID) tag with the customer's unique Shopper ID that was generated from the Entry Page.

You cannot add the SID tag to any external hyperlinks (links to other sites), because other sites won't even know what an SID is. Keep in mind, though, that if a customer clicks on any hyperlink that does not contain an SID, the Shopping Cart program will lose track of that customer and not know what items the customer has in his or her shopping cart, unless the customer hits the back button on the browser to go back to a previous page in your site that the customer had already visited. This means that you can add links to your pages that go to other sites (for product details, etc.), but only if you are certain that the customer will 'back up' to a previously visited product page that contains the customer's Shopper ID in the page's hyperlinks.

To add the Shopper ID (SID) tag to your links, modify your links a shown below:

Change all your hyperlinks from this format:

<a href="product2.html">Go to Next Page</a>

to this format:

<a href="/cgi-local/<font color="#FF0000">/
SID=PUT_SID_HERE"> Go to Next Page</a>

The two parts of the URL above that are new (the /cgi-local/ and /SID=PUT_SID_HERE) will be exactly the same for every link in your web pages and must be typed exactly as shown.

If you are curious...
The above URL tells the program, which is located in your /cgi-local/ directory, to show the file nextpage.html to the user, but first replace all occurrences of PUT_SID_HERE with whatever Shopper ID the user currently has. In other words, this URL says, "transport the user to nextpage.html, but remember the user's name so you can keep track of what the user added to his or her shopping cart."

4c. Create an 'add this item to your shopping cart' link for each product in your site.

In order for a shopping cart is to be useful, customers need to be able to add items to their shopping carts as they browse your web site. You will need to add a link next to each product you sell that allows customers to add that particular product to their shopping carts. Your link to add an item to the shopping cart should look similar to the following:

<a href="/cgi-local/<font size="3">/
SID=PUT_SID_HERE/buy=1/item=3"> <font color="#0000FF">Add this item to your shopping cart.</a>

The only parts of this link that you should change are the "page=shop.html" and the "item=3", and, of course, the text (or image) you wish to use as the hyperlink.

This signifies to which page you wish to send the customer when the customer clicks on the link. Most often you would send the customer to your order form page so the customer can see the details of the item added to the shopping cart, as well as make any changes to the order (i.e. change the quantity). You do not need to call your order form page 'shop.html'; you can call it 'orderform.html' or 'shopping_cart.html' or whatever you want.

This signifies which Item ID to look up in the product list file (product_list.txt). Remember that you assigned a unique Item ID to each product you wish to sell and listed those products in the text file product_list.txt. The Shopping Cart program uses this Item ID to determine which line in the product list file contains the product number, description, and price for the product the customer wishes to add to the shopping cart. It then transfers this information to the shopping cart order form to create a list of items the customer wishes to purchase.

4d. Create a "Shopping Cart" page.

You will need to create a "Shopping Cart" page. This page shows a list of items the customer has added to his or her personal shopping cart, the shipping methods, and the total charges for the order. It also allows the customer to change the quantity desired of any particular item, change the shipping type, recalculate the total, or proceed to checkout. You may design your page however you want, except for the personalized order information which is generated by the Shopping Cart script. Use the shopping cart page in the demo (shop.html) as a guide for creating your own page. (You can name your page anything you want.)

To add the Shopping Cart information to your page, just include the following tag in your file at the location you want it to appear on the page:


You can see from the demo shopping cart page (shop.html) that the Shopping Cart script generates the part of the page between the two horizontal rules merely by replacing the tag "PUT_SHOPPING_LIST_HERE" with the personalized shopping cart information.

In order to allow customers to change their order (quantity or shipping type), you will need to enclose the page inside a FORM with the following action:

<FORM method="POST" ACTION="/cgilocal/
page=<font color="#FF0000">shop.html/SID=PUT_SID_HERE/recalculate=1">

The recalculate=1 tells the script to recalculate the order according to the changes the customer made to the order form. Remember to change the shop.html to the name of your Shopping Cart page. Also remember the closing FORM tag ( </form> ) as well as a submit button that says Recalculate.

4e. Create a "Billing Information" page.

You will also need to create a "Billing Information" page. This page gives a form where the customer can complete his or her order by filling in his or her name, phone, shipping address, billing address, and payment info. In order to create this page, you should just modify the demo page email.html because all of the form fields need to be exactly as in the demo page. You cannot add any additional fields to the form. You can format the page to your liking, but do not change any of the form fields. Also, make sure the page contains the following form action:

<font color="#FF0000">page=done.html/SID=PUT_SID_HERE/mail=1">

The mail=1 tells the script to mail the order and billing information. Remember that the page= part of the URL tells the Shopping Cart script to which page to send the customer next. In this case, the demo page done.html is a thank you page. You may send the customer to any page you desire, although it is best to present the customer with a new page that confirms that the order was sent and says thank you for ordering.

You will link to the 'Billing Information' page by adding a link on your 'Shopping Cart' page that is similar to the following:

<a href="/cgi-local/
page=email.html/SID=PUT_SID_HERE"> Checkout</a>

Sending Information Securely
You can use our SSL Secure Server in conjunction with this 'Billing Information' page to securely send confidential order information from the user to the server. This 'Billing Information' page is the only shopping cart page that needs to be used with the SSL, since it is the only page with confidential information.

To use SSL, modify your link to the 'Billing Information' page as follows:

<a href="

*Do not break your URL onto 3 lines as shown. We did only because it was too long to fit on the screen.

You also need to modify the FORM action on the 'Billing Information' page as follows:

/ cgi-local/
page=done.html/ SID=PUT_SID_HERE/mail=1"> <font size="2">*Do not break your URL onto 3 lines as shown. We did only because it was too long to fit on the screen.*
The 's' at the end of 'https' tells the browser that the link points to a page that should be treated securely. You should replace the 'userid' with your userid and the '<font color="#FF0000">XX' with the number of the server on which your account resides. You can find this information via your control panel under "Edit Account Information".

*If you have obtained your own SSL certificate through Verisign for your domain you can use your domain name ( in place of the RapidSite domain (


Using the Cart with Frames

If you wish to add frame capability to your demo shopping cart, you will need to add the following html files to your /shop directory.  Remember to save these files using the correct file names, you can use any text editor to create these files.  Once you have created these files, please FTP upload them into the /shop directory of your domain is ASCII text mode.

demo-frames.html :

<title>Frames version of Shopping Cart</title>
<frameset frameborder=yes cols="20%,80%">
<frame name=menu src="/
<frame name=target src="/


demo-menu.html :

<head><title>navigation links</title></head>

<b><font size=+2>Menu</font></b>
<a target=target href="/cgi-local/
<a target=target href="/cgi-local/
page=demo-harddrives.html/SID=PUT_SID_HERE">Hard Drives</a><br>
<a target=target href="/cgi-local/
<a target=target href="/cgi-local/
page=demo-cdrom.html/SID=PUT_SID_HERE">CD Roms</a><br><br>
<a target=target href="/cgi-local/
page=demo-shop.html/SID=PUT_SID_HERE">Shopping List</a><br>
<a target=target href="/cgi-local/
page=demo-email.html/SID=PUT_SID_HERE">Check Out</a><br>



demo-listf.html :

<head><title>Demo Internet Store</title></head>

<h2>Demo Internet Store</h2>




You also need to modify the FORM action on the demo-email.html page as follows :

<FORM METHOD="post" target="_top" ACTION="$location/
SID=PUT_SID_HERE/ mail=1">

Once you have completed the above steps, you are ready to access your demo shopping cart via frames.  To access your demo Cart using frames, you would use the following URL in your web browser:
        http://<your domain>.com/cgi-local/


[Click here to go back to Steps 1 &2]

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