Here's a new techie news site that reminds me of Slashdot, except the news stories have a more home-grown feel. You'll find things here that might not have gotten much mention anywhere else, and the content is moderated by the community instead by an administrator (as in Slashdot).
Here's some text from the digg FAQ under "What is digg?":
"Digg is a technology news website that gives editorial control back to the community. Most technology websites allow users to suggest content by submitting links or stories to an editor. If the editor believes the story to be relevant to the masses, he or she moves the story to the homepage. With digg, users also submit links for review. But rather than allowing an editor to decide which links go on the homepage, the users do."
Posted by Scott Girard on 4/30/05; 10:41:02 AM
from the News dept.